Adorable Monkeys For Sale

Our Monkeys are first and foremost family members

Shipping And Home Delivery Vailable

We provide shipping and home delivery services within and out of the states at very low cost.


A monkey can be a challenging but rewarding pet. You have to do a lot of research before fully deciding on getting one as a pet. A monkey is not for everyone or every living situation.

Do consider what you have planned in the future and how your monkey will fit in it for some species of monkeys can live up to 16 years. Make sure to check you local and state laws to see if there are any restrictions on having a monkey and if any permits are required for you to obtain one. Call the local vet offices to locate one that will see your monkey for his yearly check-ups and if he is sick.

If you are looking for a new pet, why not consider the Monkeys for sale. These monkeys are small and easy to care for and they make great pets for children as well as adults. They are extremely friendly with other animals and children and are also extremely healthy. Monkeys are very sweet and cuddly and cute! 

Our Featured Monkeys

Name: Luna

Breed: Macaque Monkey

Price: $1300

Gender: Female

Status: Available

Age: 13 weeks

Name: Bella

Breed: Marmoset Monkey

Price: $1500

Gender: Female

Status: Available

Age: 12 weeks

Name: Molly

Breed: Capuchin Monkey

Price: $2500

Gender: Female

Status: Available

Age: 14 weeks

What We Do

Best Monkey Breeds

Our Monkeys are carefully selected When it comes to pet Monkeys. We breed the Capuchin monkey, Marmoset monkey, Macaque monkey, Spider monkeys.

Fast Shipping

Shipping is affordable, fast and reliable. (3-7 days) Your monkey is shipped your address after all paper works have been completed. Processing usually takes 48 hours.

Money Back Guarantee

All funds are 100% refundable if the monkey you purchased does not suit your desire and you find it difficult to train or keep as pet, please kindly let us know and your funds will be giving back without the delivery fee.

Latest Updates from our blog

Your monkey health and well-being are our number one priority so take time to learn more about monkeys  by reading useful contents on our website.

Common Pet Monkeys: Important Facts & Pictures


It’s hard to deny the allure of keeping a monkey as a pet. In television shows and movies, it always looks so cool! But the reality of keeping a primate as a pet is in stark contrast…

Problems With Keeping a Pet Monkey


Taking on a pet monkey is not like caring for most other pets. A well-cared-for monkey can generally live to be anywhere from 20 to 40 years old, and it will need your full commitment throughout its…

Keeping primates as pets


Primates are very intelligent, social, wild animals with complicated needs that can’t be met in a home environment. This is why we’re calling for a ban on buying, selling and keeping primates as pets. Here’s why…

About the Monkeys


Vaccinations. A few vaccines are available for pet monkeys. If you have questions about the need to vaccinate your monkey, you should discuss your concerns with your veterinarian.


Caring for a monkey is not very hard but does require that you put a lot of work into making your monkey comfortable with plenty of food, warmth and play time. Monkeys are expensive, high-maintenance pets to have.

Housing Pet Monkeys

Monkeys need a large, secure enclosure, which can be expensive to construct. They should spend time outdoors if possible. And they must be provided with a wide variety of ever-changing toys and exercise equipment to keep them challenged, or they will suffer from boredom. Some states require certain types of enclosures to fulfill permit regulations, but you should always have a place to secure your monkey to keep it and the public safe. Health Guarantee All Monkeys purchased come with a health guarantee. Within 3 days of purchasing your new monkey, you must take him/her to a licensed veterinarian for an examination. If the veterinarian determines, within 3 days of purchase, that your monkey is clinically ill or has died from an injury sustained or illness likely to have been contracted on or before the date of sale and delivery.

Monkey Grooming

Social grooming is a behavior that not only monkeys and other animals participate in but also humans. Social grooming is the behavior of cleaning or maintaining another’s body appearance as shown in the photograph of monkeys above. Humans may not necessarily start picking at someone else’s arm pit hair, but by helping fix a hair style, or smooth a dress, or even paining someones nails, all by definition fall into the social grooming category. Just like humans, monkeys also have to maintain a social status and grooming each other is one way of doing so. Primates grooming each other is known to have major social significance and function. It allows primates to form “bonds” or “friendships”.